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Call for Chapter Proposals

New Volume!

Smart and Sustainable Technology for Resilient Cities and Communities
R.J.Howlett, L.C.Jain, J.R.Littlewood and M.M.Balas
to be published in the Springer series
Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology


We are increasingly aware that challenges (sometimes disasters) occur regularly and come in many forms. In addition, there is a global challenge facing the world population human-influenced climate change. The current pandemic has presented us with a challenge and an opportunity. Governments around the world have injected stimulus funding with the aim of reversing economic decline, and there is the opportunity for this funding to contribute to building a more resilient world and adapting existing buildings and communities. There should be increased investment in low to zero carbon technologies better able to withstand and mitigate against future challenges. There is also a need for thought leadership regarding our rapidly evolving society; for example, the dramatic expansion in home-working and the evolution of smart digital productivity tools enabling this to happen. Cities and rural communities all over the world are in need of the innovative methodologies which allow for holistic resilience and self-sufficiency.

It is intended that book chapters shall discuss challenges including the current Covid-19 pandemic, but also extending beyond it, towards ways in which we can make cities, communities and society more resilient to natural disasters such as pandemics, but also to continuing problems such as climate change. Chapters may be, for example, in the areas of energy self-sufficiency, food production, resilient housing and buildings, human heath, intelligent systems e.g. for forecasting and prediction, even distributed manufacture.

The KES Covid-19 Challenge is an international summit focussing on technological, economic, and social developments to combat the effects of global and local disasters as well as the ways in which we can use the recovery from Covid to build more resilient and sustainable communities, industry, and improve the environment. Delegates whose proposals to present at the workshop are accepted will be invited to provide a chapter for this book.

We will also consider proposals for chapters from those unable to attend the workshop, subject to relevance and merit.

Contributions will be reviewed by experts in the field from across the world to ensure an appropriately high level of quality.

Submission Information

Delegates to the Covid-19 Challenge workshop will be contacted by the workshop organisers about submission of a chapter.

Others wishing to contribute should contact Prof R.J.Howlett or any of the other co-editors enclosing a 200 word summary of the proposed contribution. The summary should make it clear how the proposed chapter is specifically relevant to the topic of the volume.

Chapter Guidelength: 10-15 pages

Chapters should be formatted according to the Springer guidlines to be found here -
(Although this refers to conference proceedings papers, we are using the format for convenience.)

Draft full chapters for review should be submitted via the PROSE online submission and review system here

Covid-19 challenge workshop date: 29 March 2021
Submission of full chapters: 14 May 2021

Recently Published Volume

Published 2021!

Emerging Research in Sustainable Energy and Buildings for a Low-Carbon Future
R.J.Howlett, J.R.Littlewood and L.C.Jain
published in the Springer series
Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology